Below are miscellaneous resources (mostly for R) that you may find useful.

Getting Started with R and RStudio

You should do the following as soon as possible to be sure you are ready to use R.

  1. Download and install R from for your operating system. If you already have R installed, be sure you have the latest version installed which is R version 4.4.2 (2024-10-31) nicknamed “Pile of Leaves.” You can see the version when starting R/RStudio, or by typing the command version$version.string in the console. It should show R version 4.4.2 (2024-10-31). For this course you must use this version of R (or later if a newer version is released during the semester).

  2. Download and install the free open source license desktop version RStudio from Be sure you download “RStudio Desktop” and not RStudio Desktop Pro, RStudio Server, or RStudio Workbench. If you already have RStudio installed, be sure you have the latest version installed (i.e., 2024.12.0.467 or later).

  3. Run RStudio to verify that everything is working. Note that R runs “under” RStudio (the latter is what is sometimes called an “integrated development environment” or IDE). Tinker around with RStudio/R if you’ve not used it before. Explore some of the options in “Global Options…” under the “Tools” drop-down menu to suit your tastes. Many of these options should not be changed if you don’t understand fully what you are doing, but most of the options under Code, Appearance, and Pane Layout are largely cosmetic and are safe to explore.

  4. Try installing a package from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) repository by typing the command install.packages("remotes") at the > prompt in the console window of RStudio to install the remotes package. This package is used to install my trtools package (see the next step). Also install the package tidyverse with install.packages("tidyverse"). This will install several packages that we will be using throughout the semester for data manipulation and plotting. You can also try updating any packages you already have installed or that came with R by typing the command update.packages() at the prompt in the console window. Note that update.packages() will only update packages that are on the CRAN repository. Installing or updating packages from CRAN can also be done via the “Tools” menu in RStudio.

  5. Install my trtools package using by typing the command remotes::install_github("trobinj/trtools") at the prompt in the console window of RStudio, assuming you have already installed the package remotes as described in the previous step. Installing trtools requires a different command because it is hosted on GitHub rather than on CRAN. Most of the packages we will be using are on CRAN and can be installed using install.packages, but a few are hosted elsewhere and require different commands for installation.

If you run into problems with any of the steps above let me know.

R Packages

The following are a few interesting and sometimes useful R packages. We will be using several of these in this course.

anytime is useful for converting a variety of variable types into dates/times. See the vignette for some examples.

colorspace provides tools to select and manipulate individual colors and color pallets for graphics and plots.

colourpicker is useful when trying to find the name or HEX value for a color for a plot. It adds an add-in to RStudio that helps identify different colors.

cowplot extends the capabilities of ggplot in several ways, but what I find particularly useful is the plot_grid function for combining and aligning several plots into one. See the vignettes that come with the package for some examples.

dplyr is very helpful for manipulating data and computing basic descriptive statistics. It is part of the “tidyverse” of R packages.

emmeans is designed to estimate “marginal means” for linear and generalized linear models. It is a very useful package for making specific inferences based on a linear or generalized linear (mixed) model model. It’s functionality is similar to the contrast function in the trtools package.

forcats includes some useful functions for working with factors. It is part of the “tidyverse” of R packages.

gganimate lets you produce animated plots with ggplot that can be exported as gifs.

lubridate is very useful when working with time or dates. It is part of the “tidyverse” of R packages.

marginaleffects can be used to estimate “marginal effects” and other quantities. It shares some of the same capabilities as the contrast and margeff functions from trtools, and functions from the emmeans package.

rmarkdown lets you create documents that combine text, R code, and the results of running that code. Almost all of the documents I create for my classes, include this web page, are created using rmarkdown.

Rcpp facilitates the interfacing C++ code with R. It allows for more computationally efficient code, but it also extends C/C++ with useful classes and functions. This is highly recommended for C++ programmers (or anyone who would like to learn C++) and for anyone that is interested in using C++ from R for computationally intensive work. There are also several packages that allow you to easily install and access various C++ libraries. Some examples are RcppArmadillo (my favorite) for using the Armadillo C++ linear algebra library with Rcpp, RcppEigen for using the Eigen numerical library, RcppGSL for using the GNU Scientific Library (GSL), and RcppEnsmallen for using the Ensmallen optimization library, and roptim for an interface to the C functions underlying the optim function in R. For an introduction to using the Rcpp package I would recommend starting with the book chapter in Advanced R on Rcpp, the github “book” Rcpp for Everyone, and the blog entry Introduction to Rcpp.

tesseract lets you use the tesseract optical character recognition (OCR) software from R. I have found this useful for reading data into R from a scanned document from a book or article, although it can be a little tricky to calibrate.

tidyr includes functions for “reshaping” data in various ways such as between “long form” (with one observation per row) and “wide form” with multiple observations per row. It is part of the “tidyverse” of R packages.

tidyverse is actually a collection of packages for manipulating and plotting including dplyr, forcats, lubridate, tidyr, and ggplot2. You can install all of these packages at once by installing the tidyverse package, and you can load all of these packages at once with library(tidyverse).

trtools is a package I originally created for teaching, but now I and others also use it for research as well. It contains some data sets that I use in classes as well as several utility functions to facilitate certain kinds of tasks that are not (in my opinion) as easily done with other packages or functions. It is not available on CRAN so it cannot be installed using install.packages. To install it use remotes::install_github("trobinj/trtools") (assuming you already have the remotes package installed). Note that this package is a work in progress.

There are several packages that add new color pallets for use with the ggplot2 package. Several of based on themes such as the wesanderson package for color pallets used in Wes Anderson films, the ghibli package for pallets inspired by films produced by Studio Ghibli, and the gameofthrones package for pallets inspired by Game of Thrones.


The following are some free books about using R that you might find useful. There are many other freely available books and other resources available online.

Advanced R covers some of the more advanced aspects of the R programming language.

Big Book of R is a collection of links of books on R, many of which are online and free.

Data Visualization for Social Science is a very nice book on visualization using R with the ggplot2 package and some supporting packages. And despite the title, this book would be useful for applications outside the social sciences.

R Packages is an introduction to creating your own R package. Making a R package is a useful way to organize your own R code and to disseminate that work to others.

R for Data Science is an introduction to R. It also features using some capabilities of the tidyverse packages (e.g., dplyr, tidyr, and ggplot2).

R Programming for Data Science is an introduction to R.