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FunctionFrequently a quantity of interest has the form \[
E(Y_a) - E(Y_b),
\] where \(E(Y_a)\) and \(E(Y_b)\) represent the expected value of
the response variable under circumstances \(a\) and \(b\), respectively. By “circumstances” we
mean when explanatory variable(s) assume(s) specific values. This is
sometimes called a “contrast” and inferences concerning a contrast can
be made using the contrast
function from the
trtools package.1 For linear models, any contrast can be
expressed as a linear function of the model parameters, and so
can be used instead of lincon
Example: Consider a linear model for the
library(MASS) # for anorexia data frame
anorexia$change <- anorexia$Postwt - anorexia$Prewt # compute weight change
head(anorexia) # inspect "head" of anorexia data frame
Treat Prewt Postwt change
1 Cont 80.7 80.2 -0.5
2 Cont 89.4 80.1 -9.3
3 Cont 91.8 86.4 -5.4
4 Cont 74.0 86.3 12.3
5 Cont 78.1 76.1 -2.0
6 Cont 88.3 78.1 -10.2
summary(anorexia) # summary of variables in anorexia data frame
Treat Prewt Postwt change
CBT :29 Min. :70.0 Min. : 71.3 Min. :-12.20
Cont:26 1st Qu.:79.6 1st Qu.: 79.3 1st Qu.: -2.23
FT :17 Median :82.3 Median : 84.0 Median : 1.65
Mean :82.4 Mean : 85.2 Mean : 2.76
3rd Qu.:86.0 3rd Qu.: 91.5 3rd Qu.: 9.10
Max. :94.9 Max. :103.6 Max. : 21.50
str(anorexia) # structure of anorexia data frame
'data.frame': 72 obs. of 4 variables:
$ Treat : Factor w/ 3 levels "CBT","Cont","FT": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
$ Prewt : num 80.7 89.4 91.8 74 78.1 88.3 87.3 75.1 80.6 78.4 ...
$ Postwt: num 80.2 80.1 86.4 86.3 76.1 78.1 75.1 86.7 73.5 84.6 ...
$ change: num -0.5 -9.3 -5.4 12.3 -2 ...
m <- lm(change ~ Treat, data = anorexia)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 3.007 1.398 2.151 0.03499
TreatCont -3.457 2.033 -1.700 0.09361
TreatFT 4.258 2.300 1.852 0.06838
We can see that the model is \[
E(Y_i) =
\beta_0, & \text{if the treatment for the $i$-th observation is
cognitive-behavioral therapy}, \\
\beta_0 + \beta_1, & \text{if the treatment for the $i$-th
observation is control}, \\
\beta_0 + \beta_2, & \text{if the treatment for the $i$-th
observation is family therapy}.
\] Suppose we want to make inferences about the difference in the
expected weight change between the family therapy and the control
conditions. We have that \[\begin{align*}
E(Y_a) & = \beta_0 + \beta_2, \\
E(Y_b) & = \beta_0 + \beta_1,
\end{align*}\] and so this difference is \[
E(Y_a) - E(Y_b) = \underbrace{\beta_0 + \beta_2}_{E(Y_a)} -
\underbrace{(\beta_0 + \beta_1)}_{E(Y_b)} = \beta_2 - \beta_1.
\] Inferences concerning \(\beta_2 -
\beta_1\) can be made using lincon
since this is a
linear function of the model parameters: \[
\ell = 0 \times \beta_0 + (-1) \times \beta_1 + 1 \times \beta_2 =
library(trtools) # loading for the lincon and contrast functions
lincon(m, a = c(0,-1,1))
estimate se lower upper tvalue df pvalue
(0,-1,1),0 7.715 2.348 3.03 12.4 3.285 69 0.001602
Alternatively we can use the contrast
function in which
we specify values of the explanatory variables rather than having work
out the coefficients of the linear function.
contrast(m, a = list(Treat = "FT"), b = list(Treat = "Cont"))
estimate se lower upper tvalue df pvalue
7.715 2.348 3.03 12.4 3.285 69 0.001602
Note: The meaning of the a
arguments are different for the lincon
The contrast
function can compute multiple contrasts at
a time. Suppose we want to estimate the difference in the expected
weight change between each of the two therapy conditions and the control
contrast(m, a = list(Treat = c("CBT","FT")), b = list(Treat = "Cont"))
estimate se lower upper tvalue df pvalue
3.457 2.033 -0.5994 7.513 1.700 69 0.093608
7.715 2.348 3.0302 12.399 3.285 69 0.001602
Note that contrast
includes an optional
(contrast names) argument to label the output for
a = list(Treat = c("CBT","FT")),
b = list(Treat = "Cont"),
cnames = c("CBT vs Control","FT vs Control"))
estimate se lower upper tvalue df pvalue
CBT vs Control 3.457 2.033 -0.5994 7.513 1.700 69 0.093608
FT vs Control 7.715 2.348 3.0302 12.399 3.285 69 0.001602
Warning: To avoid confusion, do not list multiple values of more than one explanatory variable. It is possible to specify multiple values of two or more explanatory variables, but the output can be confusing.
If we do not specify the b
argument then
will produce an estimate of just \(E(Y_a)\). For example, we can estimate the
expected weight change under each condition.
contrast(m, a = list(Treat = c("CBT","FT","Cont")),
cnames = c("Cognitive-Behavioral","Family","Control"))
estimate se lower upper tvalue df pvalue
Cognitive-Behavioral 3.007 1.398 0.218 5.796 2.1509 69 0.0349920
Family 7.265 1.826 3.622 10.907 3.9787 69 0.0001688
Control -0.450 1.476 -3.395 2.495 -0.3048 69 0.7614470
Example: Consider again a model for the
m <- lm(Gas ~ Insul + Temp + Insul:Temp, data = whiteside)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 6.8538 0.13596 50.409 7.997e-46
InsulAfter -2.1300 0.18009 -11.827 2.316e-16
Temp -0.3932 0.02249 -17.487 1.976e-23
InsulAfter:Temp 0.1153 0.03211 3.591 7.307e-04
Recall that the model can be written as \[
E(G_i) =
\beta_0 + \beta_2t_i, & \text{if the $i$-th observation is
before insulation}, \\
\beta_0 + \beta_1 + (\beta_2 + \beta_3)t_i, & \text{if the
$i$-th observation is after insulation.}
\] So the rate of change in expected gas consumption per unit
increase in temperature is \(\beta_2\)
before insulation and \(\beta_2 +
\beta_3\) after insulation. Inferences concerning both of these
quantities can be obtained using lincon
lincon(m, a = c(0,0,1,0)) # b2 (note: also shown by summary above)
estimate se lower upper tvalue df pvalue
(0,0,1,0),0 -0.3932 0.02249 -0.4384 -0.3481 -17.49 52 1.976e-23
lincon(m, a = c(0,0,1,1)) # b2 + b3
estimate se lower upper tvalue df pvalue
(0,0,1,1),0 -0.2779 0.02292 -0.3239 -0.2319 -12.12 52 8.936e-17
To use contrast
to produce these inferences we consider
a one unit change temperature.
a = list(Insul = "Before", Temp = 1),
b = list(Insul = "Before", Temp = 0))
estimate se lower upper tvalue df pvalue
-0.3932 0.02249 -0.4384 -0.3481 -17.49 52 1.976e-23
a = list(Insul = "After", Temp = 1),
b = list(Insul = "After", Temp = 0))
estimate se lower upper tvalue df pvalue
-0.2779 0.02292 -0.3239 -0.2319 -12.12 52 8.936e-17
a = list(Insul = c("Before","After"), Temp = 1),
b = list(Insul = c("Before","After"), Temp = 0),
cnames = c("before","after"))
estimate se lower upper tvalue df pvalue
before -0.3932 0.02249 -0.4384 -0.3481 -17.49 52 1.976e-23
after -0.2779 0.02292 -0.3239 -0.2319 -12.12 52 8.936e-17
Note that since the rate of change in expected gas consumption is constant, any two values of temperature one unit apart would produce the same result. For example:
a = list(Insul = c("Before","After"), Temp = 3),
b = list(Insul = c("Before","After"), Temp = 2),
cnames = c("before","after"))
estimate se lower upper tvalue df pvalue
before -0.3932 0.02249 -0.4384 -0.3481 -17.49 52 1.976e-23
after -0.2779 0.02292 -0.3239 -0.2319 -12.12 52 8.936e-17
What is the change in expected gas consumption if temperature goes up by 10C?
a = list(Insul = c("Before","After"), Temp = 12),
b = list(Insul = c("Before","After"), Temp = 2),
cnames = c("before","after"))
estimate se lower upper tvalue df pvalue
before -3.932 0.2249 -4.384 -3.481 -17.49 52 1.976e-23
after -2.779 0.2292 -3.239 -2.319 -12.12 52 8.936e-17
Expected gas consumption at 5C before and after insulation are \(\beta_0 + \beta_25\) and \(\beta_0 + \beta_1 + (\beta_2 + \beta_3)5\). Inferences concerning these quantities can be obtained as follows.
lincon(m, a = c(1,0,5,0)) # b0 + b2 x 5
estimate se lower upper tvalue df pvalue
(1,0,5,0),0 4.888 0.06383 4.76 5.016 76.57 52 3.885e-55
lincon(m, a = c(1,1,5,5)) # b0 + b1 + (b2 + b3)5
estimate se lower upper tvalue df pvalue
(1,1,5,5),0 3.334 0.06024 3.213 3.455 55.35 52 6.772e-48
a = list(Insul = c("Before","After"), Temp = 5),
cnames = c("before @ 5C","after @ 5C"))
estimate se lower upper tvalue df pvalue
before @ 5C 4.888 0.06383 4.760 5.016 76.57 52 3.885e-55
after @ 5C 3.334 0.06024 3.213 3.455 55.35 52 6.772e-48
The difference in expected gas consumption between before and after insulation at 5C is \(\beta_1 + \beta_35\). Inferences concerning this quantity can be obtained as follows.
lincon(m, a = c(0,1,0,5))
estimate se lower upper tvalue df pvalue
(0,1,0,5),0 -1.553 0.08777 -1.73 -1.377 -17.7 52 1.155e-23
a = list(Insul = "After", Temp = 5),
b = list(Insul = "Before", Temp = 5))
estimate se lower upper tvalue df pvalue
-1.553 0.08777 -1.73 -1.377 -17.7 52 1.155e-23
In many cases we can use either lincon
. The latter is often easier to use since it does
not require the user to work out the coefficients for the linear
function of model parameters. But there are cases where
can do something that contrast
Recall that we can use contrast
to compute estimated
expected responses at specified values of the explanatory variables.
contrast(m, a = list(Insul = c("Before","After"), Temp = -1),
cnames = c("before @ -1","after @ -1"))
estimate se lower upper tvalue df pvalue
before @ -1 7.247 0.1562 6.934 7.561 46.39 52 5.473e-44
after @ -1 5.002 0.1384 4.724 5.280 36.13 52 1.640e-38
But to create several estimates of the expected response it is more
convenient to use the predict
function (so-called because
an estimate of \(E(Y)\) can be also be
viewed as a prediction of the value of \(Y\)). First let’s create a data frame where
we’d like to obtain estimates of the expected response.
d <- expand.grid(Insul = c("Before","After"), Temp = seq(-1, 11, by = 1))
Insul Temp
1 Before -1
2 After -1
3 Before 0
4 After 0
5 Before 1
6 After 1
Insul Temp
21 Before 9
22 After 9
23 Before 10
24 After 10
25 Before 11
26 After 11
There are a couple of things to note here: the
function creates a data frame for all
combinations of the values of the variables, and seq
creates a sequence of values. For example,
seq(-1, 11, by = 2) # sequence from -1 to 11 by increments of two
[1] -1 1 3 5 7 9 11
seq(-1, 11, length = 5) # sequence from -1 to 11 of five values
[1] -1 2 5 8 11
The predict
function can be used to compute the
estimated expected response for each pseudo-observation.
d$ey <- predict(m, newdata = d)
Insul Temp ey
1 Before -1 7.247
2 After -1 5.002
3 Before 0 6.854
4 After 0 4.724
5 Before 1 6.461
6 After 1 4.446
Now let’s see if we can show expected gas consumption as a function of insulation and temperature. First we will plot the data.
p <- ggplot(whiteside, aes(x = Temp, y = Gas, color = Insul)) + geom_point()
Let’s change the aesthetic labels and the theme.
p <- ggplot(whiteside, aes(x = Temp, y = Gas, color = Insul)) + geom_point() +
labs(x = "Temperature (C)", y = "Gas Consumption", color = "Insulation") +
Now we can add lines to represent expected gas consumption as a function
of temperature and insulation. Note that we need to change the
variable and the data frame for this part.
p <- ggplot(whiteside, aes(x = Temp, y = Gas, color = Insul)) + geom_point() +
labs(x = "Temperature (C)", y = "Gas Consumption", color = "Insulation") +
theme_minimal() + geom_line(aes(y = ey), data = d)
Note that you can do this in pieces, which might be easier to debug.
p <- ggplot(whiteside, aes(x = Temp, y = Gas, color = Insul)) + geom_point() +
labs(x = "Temperature (C)", y = "Gas Consumption", color = "Insulation") +
p <- p + geom_line(aes(y = ey), data = d)
Now consider the
data and model from earlier.
m <- lm(change ~ Treat, data = anorexia)
contrast(m, a = list(Treat = c("CBT","FT","Cont")),
cnames = c("Cognitive-Behavioral","Family","Control"))
estimate se lower upper tvalue df pvalue
Cognitive-Behavioral 3.007 1.398 0.218 5.796 2.1509 69 0.0349920
Family 7.265 1.826 3.622 10.907 3.9787 69 0.0001688
Control -0.450 1.476 -3.395 2.495 -0.3048 69 0.7614470
d <- data.frame(Treat = c("CBT","FT","Cont"))
d$yhat <- predict(m, newdata = d)
Treat yhat
1 CBT 3.007
2 FT 7.265
3 Cont -0.450
Note: We can use data.frame
to create a
data frame for generating estimated expected responses when there is
just one explanatory variable. But if we want to create a data frame
with various combinations of values of two or more explanatory variables
it is easier to use expand.grid
Here is a plot of the raw data.
p <- ggplot(anorexia, aes(x = Treat, y = change)) + theme_minimal() +
geom_point(alpha = 0.5) + labs(x = "Treatment", y = "Weight Change (lbs)")
Note the use of
alpha = 0.5
to control the transparency of
the points. Now we can add the estimated expected responses.
p <- p + geom_point(aes(y = yhat), data = d, shape = 21, size = 3, fill = "white")
Hint: Try a Google image search for “R point shapes” to know what number
to use. Shape numbers 21-25 let you separately specify the colors of the
point fill and outline. For other aesthetics (e.g., size) you sometimes
just have to experiment.
Maybe that would look better sideways?
p <- p + coord_flip()
The contrast
function in the
trtools package is modeled after functions of the same
name in the contrast and rms packages.
Mine has some features not found in those functions, but I did not
incorporate all of the features in those functions either. You will also
learn how to use functions from the emmeans package
which have some functionality like that of contrast
the trtools package.↩︎